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My Graduate Journey

Lessons and Wisdom

Just do it. At the beginning of graduate school, I was really hesitant with how many hours I would take every semester, afraid of being too busy. However, I discovered there would never be a time when I would not have something going on. It was up to me to make the time I needed to study.


You are more capable than you imagine. We are capable of managing a lot of work and stress if we organize ourselves and do a little bit every day. When taking online courses it is so important to not fall behind. Start working on your papers early, keep up with the daily reading, and ask for help when needed.


Take a break. School and life can get really overwhelming. Take a nap, watch a movie, go for a walk...You will feel better and all your relationships will be better as well.



Today, at work and when talking about higher education I find myself making connections to all I have learned. I understand student development theories as the basis for the programs, activities and curriculum we offer.  The concepts I have learned have become really valuable for the work I do and any future programs. 



I really enjoyed meeting students from all over the nation and hearing their perspective on different subjects. I learned a lot about them and their organizations.

I also loved all the feedback and encouragement our professors gave us. It kept me going.


Concerns and Fears

I am afraid of burning out and not doing what is right for students.  Certain areas in higher education can be really hectic all year around and some times interaction with students can be not very pleasant. 

I hope I never do what is more convenient for me instead of what is good for students.


If I had to do it all over...I would start by taking two courses at a time. 


Career Goals

Over the next five years, I hope to: Be more comfortable in Residence Life, my current area of work. Utilize assessment in all I do. Obtain clarity on what my next step will be.

To be more comfortable in my role in residence life, I will take  occupancy management and marketing courses and attend conferences. To utilize assessment, I will start with learning outcomes when planning projects and presentations. To obtain clarity on my next step, I will reflect often on what activities I enjoy and would like to research more.


Most Beneficial Courses

Some of the most beneficial courses have been:


Student Development Theories. This course forced me to examine my own student journey and helped me know myself a little  better. It helped explain so many things I went through and move on. It is a great tool to help students.


Student Subcultures. This course helped me understand better the values of other cultures such as Native Americans and Asian.


Administration. This course was key in helping me understand how institutions are organized and why.


Assessment. This course is complex but very valuable to help us accomplish our goals.


Other Skills and Courses

 I would have loved to learn more about conflict management and resolution. Conflict is unavoidable when working with people. Dealing with it in a wise and healthy way would have been a great thing to learn more about.


I am so thankful to:

- All the friends and family who encouraged me to study. I love to learn and I am so happy I went through this program.

- My professors who worked hard to help us understand complex concepts and who gave their time to give each one of us feedback and encouragement.

- Arkansas Tech University, for making a way for its employees to study and grow. 


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