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Almost four years ago I was offered a job in student affairs supporting a department that works with non-traditional students. After over ten years of working with college students internationally and locally, and supporting campus ministry in different ways, this gave me the opportunity to see student development from another angle. I started a little bit before registration season with just enough time to get the big picture and I went through what seemed to be a crash course in higher education.


Helping students succeed, the vision of student affairs, is what drew me to it. Conducting ourselves with integrity, transparency, faithfulness, and respect we partner with other faculty and staff in the higher education community to accomplish this vision. As an international student affairs professional, my goal is to help develop a generation of world leaders who can solve global problems. All of us who work in this field share on the great responsibility to form a generation of leaders with a global perspective.


This new leg of the journey with higher education through work and school has reinforced my personal principles. It has enriched my understanding of all the different functional areas in higher education prompting me to see organizations from different perspectives and offering the guidance needed to address conflict. As the journey continues, I am avid to learn and grow to help our students succeed and make a global impact.


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